Thursday, March 12, 2009

I am sooo very excited to launch my new blog!!  Yay!!  It's been a long time coming and I have finally found the time to dig into the blogging world.  I can't say I'm much of a blogger, to be honest I've never blogged before.  I don't even check my facebook very often... but this in my sincere promise that I will learn to blog!  I have to say the workshop I attended a few weekends ago was the push I needed to get my blogging in gear.  I went to the "Get Inspired Workshop" with a trio of fabulous photographers Jen Kroll, John with Coastline-Studios, and Holly Henderson.  It was such a great experience to meet other photographers with the same love of photography and passion for weddings as well as pick up new tricks and techniques...just in time to gear up for this exciting wedding season.  So without further a-do here are some images from the workshop!  

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